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Homeopathy Services

The city of Brisbane knows the name Shenaz Morkas, especially in the field of Homeopathy. Especially with over 3 generations of Homeopathic experience, and expertise second to none, I am proud of my contribution to the field of Homeopathy and the field of Health & Wellbeing in general. While, Homeopathy is suitable for many health conditions, it is not restricted for the ones specified below. Contact me and let’s have a chat to see how I can help you take the next step in your health. 

What is Homeopathic Treatment?

Homeopathic medicine is a natural health science that works holistically on the full body and encourages the body to heal naturally. Healing takes place by using natural extracts from various plants, minerals or animals in very small doses. Homeopathy believes in stimulating a person’s own natural immune system to be able to fight infections effectively. Homeopathy is a complementary medicine aiming to assist with healing. At Morkare we believe there is a place for everything and understand well and truly the need for conventional medicine. We would like to support and work along with your doctor / specialist to help you achieve your health goals.

How do I Know It’s Right for Me?

  • Homeopathy is not very invasive as its working on the body’s own healing process.

  • The medicines derived in Homeopathy are from natural sources.

  • Homeopathy medicine are diluted enough to still be working without having the toxic effect of the crude substance.

  • It is very effective for sensitive people. At Morkare we see quite a few sensitive people and we tailor make our homeopathic remedy to suit the needs.


In-Depth Consultation

My consultation does not involve pick up the pieces from where they are now. It covers all your past and present health conditions.


Detailed Investigation

I’m proud to say that my expertise will allow me to conduct the appropriate diagnosis, which is very important when it comes to health. 

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Custom Health Plans

You do not get a generic health plan. What I provide for you is customised just for you. individual and  tailor-made for you. 

Homeopathy Treatment

Not just restricted to the conditions below*


Homeopathy is effective in helping you detox through the following means.

Heavy Metal Detox
Liver Cleanse
Fat Metabolism

Immune System

Looking after your immune system is key to avoiding many health conditions. 

Boosting Up Immune System

Fatigue & Tiredness

This has become such a real problem in this time and age, that we need holistic and real solutions, which Homeopathy provides.

Sleep Disorders
Breathing Difficulties

Female Disorders

It is no fun when women go through these health issues time and again with no solution. We, at MorKare have seen positive results in this area of female disorders through Homeopathic medicine.

Painful Periods
Heavy Periods
No Periods
Hot Flushes
Irregular Periods

Infertility - Male & Female

The following conditions, specific to Male and Female Infertility has been treated at MorKare Clinic using Homeopathic treatment. 

Absence of Periods
Low Sperm Count
IVF Support
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We understand how important it is for our patients to feel better soon and hence work on supporting dominant symptoms as well as work on general immune system.

Joint Pain

Digestive Disorders

Homeopathy boosts up natural healing by working on digestion issues. We often see people suffering from bloating, discomfort and intolerances to food. Through Homeopathy we have seen good results by working on stimulating enzymes, reducing intolerances and repairing the gut.


Weight Loss

Homeopathy helps the body to maintain a healthy lifestyle when combined with our Mentoring and advise to enjoy one’s Health journey.

Weight Loss

Hormonal Imbalance

At Morkare we have seen good results in  by treating the person as a whole and understanding how the hormonal system functions effectively. By creating a balance in all the systems, we have seen healing.

Adrenal Hormones
Thyroid Hormones
Painful Periods
Hot Flushes


Here are some allergies we have treated.

Hay Fever

Anxiety & Stress Disorder

Homeopathy has been used effectively in the following specific conditions at our Clinic.

Post-Natal Depression
Mood Swings

Children's Health

At Morkare, our Homeopaths have worked over a decade on infants, children and pregnant mums effectively using Homeopathy. 

Behavioural Issues
Childhood Diseases

Skin Conditions

Here are some skin conditions we have treated.

Lichen Planus

Pregnancy Care

Homeopathic remedies have been used widely for pregnancy and pregnancy related symptoms such as morning sickness and labour preparations.

Morning Sickness
Labour Preparation

Other Homeopathic Treatments

Let us go through how Homeopathy can help you in these conditions as well 

Mental Health

At Morkare, our consultations cater to understanding the physical and emotional needs of a person and we provide the right kind of support and nurturing that would make you feel relaxed calm and refreshed after a consultation.
We also provide remedies that further assist is improving mental health status.

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Homeopathic remedies are mild effective and gentle and can be used during all the 3 stages of pregnancy. Homeopathic remedies have been used widely for pregnancy and pregnancy related symptoms such as morning sickness and labour preparations.

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Repairing the Gut

Homeopathy boosts up natural healing by working on digestion issues. We often see people suffering from bloating, discomfort and intolerances to food. Through Homeopathy we have seen good results by working on stimulating enzymes, reducing intolerances and repairing the gut.

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Newborns & Infants

At Morkare, our Homeopaths have worked over a decade on infants, children and pregnant mums effectively using Homeopathy. Homeopathic remedies such as Chamomile and Arnica have been used widely for centuries by lots of mothers for their infants and children.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can Homeopathy Help You?

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathic medicine is a natural health science that works holistically on the full body and encourages the body to heal naturally. Healing takes place by using natural extracts from various plants, minerals or animals in very small doses. Homeopathy believes in stimulating a person’s own natural immune system to be able to fight infections effectively.

Is Homeopathy popular?

WHO recognizes Homeopathy as the second-largest​ method of treatment. It has been widely accepted and used by people all around the world, especially France, Germany, England, Greece, India, Pakistan, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, and South Africa. According to a 2015 survey of French medical doctors, a very impressive 95% of French pediatricians, dermatologists, and general practitioners were found to prescribe​ homeopathic medicines in 2012 according to the French government’s database on drugs prescribed (Family Practice, 2015). Approximately 40% of the French public have used homeopathic medicines, and 39% of the French physicians have prescribed the medicines. About 20% of German physicians occasionally utilize these natural medicines, and 45% of Dutch physicians consider them effective. According to a survey in the British Medical Journal (June 7, 1986), 42% of British physicians survey refer patients to homeopathic physicians, and a New York Times article reported that visits to British homeopaths are​ growing at a rate of 39% a year. Homeopathy is also growing very rapidly in the United States. Market research shows that sales of homeopathic medicines have grown at a rate of 10-20% per year during the past ten years.

Is Homeopathy safe for Sensitive people?

Homeopathy is not very invasive as its working on the body's own healing process. The medicines derived in Homeopathy are from natural sources. Homeopathy medicine are diluted enough to still be working without having the toxic effect of the crude substance. Hence it is very effective for sensitive people. At Morkare we see quite a few sensitive people and we tailor make our homeopathic remedy to suit the needs.

Is Homeopathy safe for Pregnant women?

Yes, Homeopathic remedies are mild and gentle and can be used during all the 3 stages of pregnancy. Homeopathic remedies have been used widely for pregnancy and pregnancy related symptoms such as morning sickness and labour preparations.

Can I continue taking medicines prescribed by my GP/ Specialist if I am taking Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a complementary medicine aiming to assist with healing. At Morkare we believe there is a place for everything and understand well and truly the need for conventional medicine. We would like to support and work along with your doctor / specialist to help you achieve your health goals. If you are on specific medications, please discuss with the Homeopath at the appointment. Conventional medicine would not counter attack any homeopathic medicines or vice - versa.

Can Homeopathy prevent a surgery?

Homeopathy stimulates natural healing. If at all there has been a degenerative or structural change in the body scope of Homeopathic remedies are limited. At Morkare we encourage you to seek help from our Homeopath before it's too late. Medicines can help heal if the injury is 1st or early 2nd degree. At the same time, Homeopathic remedies are useful for pre and post-surgery​ treatment and help in improving recovery time. At Morkare, we provide our Pre and Post Op Support Drops which have been effectively used by many.

Are Homeopathy remedies recommended for Newborns and Infants?

At Morkare, our Homeopaths have worked over a decade on infants, children and pregnant mums effectively using Homeopathy. Homeopathic remedies such as Chamomile and Arnica have been used widely for centuries by lots of mothers for their infants and children.

What to expect in a consultation?

During your appointments, I will provide a natural and supportive approach making sure you are being heard, attended to your needs and give appropriate advice​. Because of my extensive education and training, I am qualified and experienced to read most blood tests reports and scans. So please bring in all your reports before the first appointment. I will be gathering all your symptoms at the appointment starting from the most pressing issues. I look at the person as a whole and hence will also be inquiring​ about other systems even if they are normal. I may also be examining you and looking at your condition to confirm the findings. After a detailed investigation and understanding, I will share my knowledge and experience about your health condition and design a health plan. I will educate you about your health. If there are further investigations or tests required, I could do it ourselves or refer you.

Has Homeopathy been used to treat both acute as well as chronic long standing conditions?

In an acute case, if the homeopathic treatment has been taken at an early stage of a disease, the recovery time is very rapid. We have seen cases where children and adults have recovered within days and sometimes hours. We understand how important it is for our patients to feel better soon and hence work on supporting dominant symptoms as well as work on the ​general immune system. We also see cases where people have not been well for a while and seek help as they are fed-up. In such cases, the disease or deficiency may have progressed for a long time. Body’s natural response to recovery may be slower. Having said that we would still work as hard and give it the best support to create a ​good response within a reasonable amount of time.

Why am I the right Homeopath for you?

A good Homeopath alike any health practitioner is the right one for you based on experience, knowledge, qualifications, and passion. I am a qualified Homeopath registered to practice in India, UAE, ​and Australia. I have been practicing​homeopathy​y in​ Australia since 2005 and worked as the President in the ​Australian Association of Professional Homeopaths for 3 years. I have studied Homeopathy over 5 and half year full time course in a Homeopathic Medical College in Mumbai, India My degree in India is recognised by Indian Government as a medical degree as it involves intense study of subjects including Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Surgery, Gynaecology, Preventive and Social Medicine, Forensic Medicine, Embryology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, ENT, Dermatology, Clinical Medicine along with Homeopathic Pharmacy and Materia Medica. Besides the studi,​es we also have to attend clinics and hospital visits observing and studying many patients from Respiratory, Psychology, Renalogy, Surgery, Accidents and Burns Unit, Pediatrics and Gynaecology Departments. My one year Internship program was intense including 12 hour work days and doing anything from observation of surgeries to examining pregnant women to assisting senior doctors in their busy clinics. We would be averaging around 50 to 100 patients a day. I am one of the lucky few who have been observing and assisting a well known doctor right from childhood. My Dad is a loved physician practicing in the heart of Mumbai. He loves what he does and he works 7 days a week 10 hours a day. He chooses to never slow down.
He has taught me the art of observation, kindness, empathy and value of human life. Hence I am proudly following his footsteps helping people to reach optimal health. My Grandad was also a doctor who started his first clinic on 2nd July 1939. My Dad, My Uncle and My Aunt succeeded his practice. My Uncle is still a practicing doctor is Chicago, Illinois. His sons are also practicing medicine. I am passionate about health and believe in up to date research and education learning to improve my practice and approach every time. I get a real kick from getting people happy and healthy. The best thing about my practice is seeing people getting what they are looking for. My mission is to continue to help support the community and provide natural health support to everyone. I would like to make it easy to access, affordable and recognized​ globally especially to people and places where thereare​s limited health care options.

What is the History of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a natural health science that was originally founded in the 18th century by a German scientist named Dr.​Samuel Hahnemann. The word Homeopathy is derived from the ​Greek Word “Homios” meaning “Alike” and Pathos” meaning “Disease or Suffering”. The principle of Homeopathy is Similia Similibus Curentur which means “Like cures Like”

What is the difference between Homeopathy and Naturopathy?

Naturopathy and Homeopathy both are natural medicine science. A Naturopath in Australia may have studied Homeopathy and hence can prescribe Homeopathic remedies.
However most Naturopath may usually prescribe Tinctures and Nutritional supplements after a detailed consultation. Although Homeopathic remedies are derived from tinctures, they go through a potentisation process which makes more diluted and enhanced.

What is the difference between Homeopathy Remedies and Herbal Tinctures?

The source from where a Homeopathic remedy is derived is called Mother Tincture. Homeopathy is mostly derived from Plant, Mineral extracts but some from Animal and Human Extracts as well. It is often noted that the action of remedies in the crude (Mother Tincture form) may vary from the potentised Homeopathic form. The Homeopathic form is far more milder. However in certain health conditions a tincture may be accompanied with a Homeopathic medicine.

Are Homeopathy remedies recommended for Newborns and Infants?

At Morkare, our Homeopaths have worked over a decade on infants, children and pregnant mums effectively using Homeopathy. Homeopathic remedies such as Chamomile and Arnica have been used widely for centuries by lots of mothers for their infants and children.

Can I take Nutritional Supplements/ Vitamins or Probiotics while being on Homeopathy?

The answer is Yes! Again, Homeopathy is only being used to assist the natural healing process. At Morkare, we may advise​e on what other nutritional supplements and probiotics you may need to achieve your health goals.

How can Homeopathy work on Mental Health Condition?

In the new era, more and more scientists are finding evidence of the mind-body​ connection. Homeopathy in the 18 century spoke about the need to treat the person as a whole and the importance of enquiring about mental health status while healing the physical health condition. At Morkare, our consultations cater to understanding the physical and emotional needs of a person and we provide the right kind of support and nurturing that would make you feel relaxed calm and refreshed after a consultation. We also provide remedies that further assist is improving mental health status.

How long will it take for my treatment?

Homeopathy is working on a person's natural immune system. The time of treatment depends on a person's natural recovery response. The recovery depends on the disease, the general health of the patient, age of the patient, other medication or supplements the patient may be on and on the general response rate of the patient’s immune system.

Can Homeopathy help with Skin Condition?

Homeopathy has been often selected as a method of treatment for Skin conditions especially eczema, dermatitis, Hives, urticaria and Acne. At Morkare we have seen good results in skin conditions by treating the person as a whole and understanding how the gut functions, immune system, hormonal system and mental health condition are. By creating a balance in all the systems, we have seen healing.

Can Homeopathy help repair the Gut?

Homeopathy boosts up natural healing by working on digestion issues. We often see people suffering from bloating, discomfort and intolerances to food. Through Homeopathy we have seen good results by working on stimulating enzymes, reducing intolerances and repairing the gut.

I Help You Build Healthy Habits & Realistic Routines

Through my approach, strategy and vision for each client that I consult, I mentor them to help them in building healthy habits. As the author Gary Keller in his book “One Thing” says that focusing on ONE thing at a time, will give a sustained result, rather than focusing on many things in the same time. This is my approach to health and wellbeing as well. I encourage my clients to get on a journey, not a quick fix. I allow them to take that decision to enjoy the journey to better their current state of health. This also includes building healthy habits, mindsets, and realistic routines.

Living With a Health Condition Can Be Hard, but Getting Treated Doesn’t Have To Be

There is a huge fear in each of us when we think of our health. Especially, when there is a "condition" attached to it. The truth is that Homeopathic medicine is a natural health science that works holistically on the full body and encourages the body to heal naturally. Healing takes place by using natural extracts from various plants, minerals or animals in very small doses. Homeopathy believes in stimulating a person’s own natural immune system to be able to fight infections effectively. This is exactly why getting treated doesn't necessarily have to be as hard as we think. WHO recognizes Homeopathy as the second largest method of treatment. It has been widely accepted and used by people all around the world, especially France, Germany, England, Greece, India, Pakistan, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, and South Africa.  

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Where you can find us

789 Logan Road, Holland Park West 4121

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Where you can find us

789 Logan Road, Holland Park West 4121

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