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Want to be healthy on your holiday?

Travelling to exotic and culture-rich countries can be an exciting time. Some countries such as India, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and Nepal have so much to offer in terms of food, culture and heritage. However, for some travellers, it can be frightening in terms of health. As a traveller, you would want to breathe, feel, eat and experience what the locals do without getting sick.  We totally get it! Hence at Morkare Natural Clinic, we provide education and nutritional support that have helped travellers enjoy their holidays and stay healthy.


Some of the useful tips that have helped are:



  1. Disease-carrying mosquitoes mostly attack the humans around DAWN and DUSK. This pattern is also seen in Sharks. Hence avoid being out in the open around Dawn and Dusk.
  2. Mosquitoes are mostly found in areas with high humidity, dampness and muddy areas. If you are aware that you are going to such areas, please wear long sleeves and long trousers and cover your skin as much as possible.
  3. Mosquitoes are attracted to the lactic acid which is secreted from our sweat. Hence keeping your body alkaline would be very essential. The body can be made alkaline by eating more raw leafy veggies and avoiding grains, dairy and alcohol. More information about diet is provided during a consultation with our Naturopath.
  4. Wearing pure essential natural Lavender oil has helped people stay clear from bites. The best places to dab some lavender oil are :
  • Behind your ear lobes
  • On your wrists
  • On your ankles



Most water-borne infections may cause gastric disturbances. The infection can cause symptoms within the first 24 hours on the consumption of infected water/liquid.  Some of the symptoms of gastro including vomiting and diarrhoea can cause dehydration, headaches, weakness and nausea. Gastric complaints can be very debilitating and embarrassing.

  1. Most travellers are made aware of only drinking bottled water. However, in some countries, bottled water may also be tampered with. Hence we remind everyone to make sure you are opening the seal of the bottled water. Buying bottled water from reliable sources is also important. If a restaurant is serving bottled water, make sure you are opening the seal of the bottle.
  2. In places where it is hard to find bottled water, fresh coconut water from the actual coconut works as a reliable alternative to water. Coconut water is made up of essential nutrients including salts that can be hydrating and can replace salts that are lost because of sweating.
  3. ICE can be one of the common carriers of infection. Ice can be made from impure water. So if you order a drink with ice cubes, chances are the germs incubated in the ice may melt away in your drink. Hence, avoid putting ice in your drinks.
  4. Avoid eating salads or cold foods. Freshly cooked and hot foods have fewer chances of infection than raw foods or salads. Heat kills most bacteria and germs. On the other hand, cold incubates the germs. Hence lean more toward hot than cold foods.



  1. Airborne infections are hard to detect and prevent. Wearing masks over nose and mouth may avoid germs from entering airway passages.


The better way to prevent infections is to keep your health optimum before travel. Here are a few things to take into consideration.


  • Sleep: Make sure you are getting enough sleep before travel. Getting your usual hours of sleep before the travel has noted to be beneficial to avoid JET LAG.
  • Water: Make sure you are completely hydrated before and during travelling. Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water per day for a week before travel. Avoid drinking alcohol before and during the flight to keep your body alkaline. Water keeps your body pH balanced. If you are sweating more than usual during the holidays, please add some natural salts in your water during consumption. When you sweat, you lose not only water but also salts. Drinking excess water may cause Hyponatremia which may cause muscle cramps, dehydration and fatigue.
  • Nutrients: Taking iron, zinc and vitamin C enriched foods before and during travel may boost up your immune system and provide protection against most common infections



At Morkare Natural Clinic, our team of health experts can assess and make a plan for you to keep your health optimum before and during your travel. Our health treatments are suitable for all ages and different health conditions. We purely work on optimising your health. 

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789 Logan Road, Holland Park West 4121

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789 Logan Road, Holland Park West 4121

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